Science-based • Age-appropriate • Student-centered

EducaHealth provides high-quality comprehensive health education to support young people in making healthy life decisions. At EducaHealth, we believe that health education is the most powerful tool to prevent high-risk behavior in adolescence and beyond.
Programs both remotely or in-person
Programs in English or Spanish
Our hope
About us
We at EducaHealth believe that all young people have a right to science-based, honest, and age-appropriate information about how their bodies work and how to keep themselves safe. Our hope is that by empowering students with knowledge and information we can help them build the skills and tools necessary to make healthy, informed, and responsible decisions with their lives.
Based on current best teaching methodologies, we bring our interactive programs to your classroom or facility in person or through a remote learning platform. We are currently offering programs in sexual health education and in substance abuse prevention. You can choose from our sample curriculum offers or we can customize our programs to fit the needs of your community.

Our programs
Inclusive • Stigma-busting • Medically-accurate
Sexual Health Education
Our standard late elementary, middle school, and high school curriculum contains 5 or more lessons. All of them are mapped to the 2020 National Sex Education Standards. Choose your 5 to 10 lessons, mix & match, or let us build a personalized curriculum that meets the needs of your students. We also encourage schools to offer our virtual parent & caregiver meeting preceding the start of programming, so that these important adults have an opportunity to meet their student’s educators, learn about the program, and receive tips and resources for supporting their young people at home.
Elementary School
(Ages 8-11)
See full program
- Navigating Friendships
- Understanding Our Bodies
- Making Sense of Puberty
- Hygiene During Puberty
- Anatomy & Reproductive Biology I
- Menstruation & Sperm Production
- Fertilization, Pregnancy, & Childbirth
- Your Body, Your Rights
- Online Safety
- Human Diversity
Middle School
(Ages 11-14)
See full program
- Puberty Changes
- Anatomy & Reproductive Biology II
- Gender, Identity, Expression, & Orientation
- Staying Safe Online
- Healthy vs. Unhealthy Relationships I
- Consent, Boundaries, & Communication
- Making Healthy & Responsible Choices
- Abstinence & Other Protection Methods
- Sexually Transmitted Infections
- Media Literacy & Body Image
High School
(Ages 14-18)
See basic program
- Healthy vs. Unhealthy Relationships II
- Consent & The Law
- Gender Diversity
- Social Media Literacy
- Abstinence, Condom Confidence, & Other Birth Control Methods
- Advanced Anatomy & Reproductive Biology
- High Risk/Low Risk Behaviors for STIs
- Understanding Sexual Harassment, Assault, & Abuse
- Sexually Explicit Media & The Truth About Pornography
- Sexual & Reproductive Justice
See advanced program
- Understanding Roe vs. Wade
- The Dark History of Forced Sterilization & Female Genital Mutilation
- Consent & The Law: Real Case Scenarios
- Intersex Reproductive Anatomy
- Exploring the New LGBTQ+ Culture War
Family Webinar
Partners in Growing Up
In addition to our in-school programming and inspired by our guiding principle that parents are the primary sexuality educators of their children, we also offer an interactive 90-minute virtual webinar designed for tweens ages 9-12 and their caregivers. The webinar covers basic physical, social, cognitive, and emotional changes related to puberty for all bodies and gender identities. Medically accurate anatomical terms and functions of the internal and external reproductive system, and best practices for taking care of bodies & minds during puberty are discussed. Our goal is to offer a safe & inclusive space as a springboard to promote healthy conversations at home. EducaHealth
Comprehensive • Multidisciplinary • Factual
Substance Abuse Prevention
Grounded in the most current research, we offer our customizable curriculum for grades 8-12 (ages 13-18). It adheres to research-based prevention and drug education principles, equipping young people with skills to make safe choices with their lives. Each lesson is designed to engage students through interactive activities such as discussions, case scenarios, and fact and fiction games. The curriculum is aligned with the National Health Education Standards.
It includes the following topics:

Drug & Brain Basics I
Students are introduced to the basic functions of the brain and how neurons communicate through neurotransmitters. Students learn how psychoactive drugs affect the brain, in particular the still-developing teenage brain, and understand the concepts of dependence, tolerance, and withdrawal.

Drug & Brain Basics II
Students examine their own beliefs about alcohol and other drugs. Students then learn about abstinence and harm reduction strategies. They discuss genetic, social, and environmental factors that contribute to substance use and abuse.

Alcohol & Other Depressants
Students are introduced to the classification of drugs according to their effects on the brain. Depressant drugs are presented first with a main focus on alcohol. Students learn harm reduction strategies such as how to perform the recovery position on an intoxicated person.

Cocaine, Amphetamines, & Other Stimulants
Students learn about the effects of stimulant drugs including caffeine. They discuss the impact of cocaine, methamphetamines, and prescription stimulants on the brain and body.

Nicotine, Vaping, & E-Cigarettes
Students explore the health effects of nicotine in the brain and body. Students analyze how advertising agencies have contributed to the rise in popularity of vaping and e-cigarettes among teens.

Students learn the potential risks and benefits of cannabis products (marijuana, hashish, etc.) including edibles. Students discuss the impacts of legalization for medical use vs. for recreational purposes.

Psychedelics, MDMA & Other Club Drugs
Students learn the effects and types of psychedelics, Ecstasy and other “club drugs”. They reflect on drug references in the media and music, and how they may influence teens. Finally, they discuss the risks of illicit drug adulteration.

Opioids & Prescription Pain Medications
Students learn the effects of heroin, fentanyl, and other opioids. They discuss the impact that the widespread prescription of pain medications has had on the current opioid epidemic that our nation is facing. They analyze the role that big pharmaceutical companies have played in contributing to this crisis.

Mental Health & Coping with Stress
Students discuss how drug use can be used as a mechanism to cope with mental health issues.They learn healthier alternatives to deal with trauma, anxiety, depression, or stress and how to access resources. The importance of nutrition, physical activity, relaxation techniques, and sleep will be discussed.

BONUS Lesson: In-Recovery Speaker
Listen to an in-recovery speaker share their story about addiction and recovery.
(Depending upon availability)
Comprehensive health education
Meet our team

EducaHealth’s Director & Founder
Estefanía (Nia) Torres, M.Ed, SHCP, is an Ecuadorian-American health educator who holds a BA in Psychology from the Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Ecuador and a Master’s in Education from Boston University. She was certified as a Sexual Health Educator at the University of Michigan, School of Social Work. Since 2010, she has taught health education curricula at multiple independent, charter, and public middle/high schools in the Greater Boston Area. Her teaching style focuses on providing youth with unprejudiced, scientific-based, and culturally relevant information through dynamic and engaging activities. She believes that healthy students make for stronger learners. She founded EducaHealth in 2020.
-Estefanía Torres
Sukriti K Dabral, M.Ed, is an Indian-American educator and facilitator offering youth sexual wellness programming in the greater Boston area. She completed her Masters in Education at Widener University’s Center for Human Sexuality Studies, and facilitates age-appropriate, queer-inclusive, medically accurate learning on sexual health, systemic oppression, justice, interpersonal wellness, consent, communication, and more. She excels in creating inviting, effective classrooms, where students can be curious and active participants in their own learning. Sukriti also offers support education to parents & caregivers as they navigate these topics at home.
-Sukriti K Dabral

What Clients are Saying
For support in developing your school district’s sex education program, or for more information on sex education curricula and training, see our sister organization

Work with us
Are you a trained and/or certified health educator? Do you have a passion for working with students? We are searching for a per diem educator to join our team of experienced sexual health and substance abuse prevention educators. Submit your resume and cover letter to our director Estefanía Torres at:
Get In Touch
If you are interested in having EducaHealth work with your school, or want more information, contact us:
Location: 31 Story Street #3 – Boston, MA 02127
Telephone: (617) 817-7478